We are closed now (Thur 19:53). Open again Fri 08:00.

How to order

Please check the home page for our current opening hours (shown in the middle of the map).   These are likely to change from week to week as we respond to changes in lockdown/distancing arrangements.  Note that we are currently offering delivery only in the evenings, but you can place a takeaway order to pick up any time the cafe is open.

To place an order:

  1. Browse through our menu, and when you find something you like click Add to cart to add it to your order.  You can check what you have in your cart at any time by clicking the shopping bag icon in the top right hand corner of each page.  If you change your mind, you can remove an item by simply setting the quantity to zero.  You can also add a note in the box on the cart page if you have any special requirements such as vegan/vegetarian/gluten-free, or if there is something special about how/when you want your order delivered.
  2. Before you check out, you need to specify when you would like to collect your order or have it delivered.  The selector offers a range of times during the current day, "ASAP" if you want it as soon as possible, or "I have left a note" if you want it at a more specific time or on a future date.  When we are closed, the "I have left a note" is the only option.
  3. When you have everything you want in the cart, click Check out.  This takes you to the Information page, where you enter either an email address or a mobile phone number that we can use to send you updates about the order.  On this page, you can also choose whether you want the order delivered or you will pick it up from the cafe.  Only select Deliver if your order meets our delivery requirements - maximum 1 mile distance and minimum of £15 order value.  Press Continue to delivery details.
  4. The delivery details page confirms your selection and allows you to enter any delivery instructions.  You can use this to give us information we will need to make the delivery - such as a code number to open a gate, or an instruction like "leave on porch".  If you selected delivery but your order doesn't meet our delivery requirements (value too small, or too far away), you will see the message There are no shipping methods available for your cart or address": in this case you can click Return to information to change to pick-up rather than delivery, or Return to cart to add more items and increase the value.
  5. Click Continue to payment and enter your credit card details.
  6. Click Pay now.  Your credit card will be authorised and the order will be sent to us.  You will also receive a confirmation by email or Text.  Note that your credit card has not been charged at this stage.
  7. We will check your order.  Normally, we will do this straight away, but if you order outside our opening hours we will not see the order until we open again the next day.
  8. If everything is OK with the order, we will start preparing your food and your credit card will be charged.  If we can't meet your requirements (in particular your requested delivery time), we will attempt to contact you to discuss the order.  If we can't reach you, or we can't resolve the problem, we will cancel the order and your card will not be charged (you will receive another email or Text to confirm this).
  9. You will receive another email or Text when your food is ready - either ready for you to pick up, or when we are setting out to deliver it.
  10. You receive your food and enjoy!